Following my hiatus on the blog posts (I've been lazing away on vacation), I return to bitch about the most recent mishap...
My family and I are stuck in the lobby of the Hampton Inn. Apparently our truck is not a big fan of the cold, because it won't start in the 40 degree range. It's been a real pain in the ass lately, and we've had to jump it off. My mom has been flipping the shit because her phone charger is somewhere packed up (her fault)
Matt and I recommended that we didn't stop for the night. I don't think that she considered that it would endanger our trip when the truck didn't start in the morning. But it's whatever... It's given me alot of time to think. For example, I realized that I think too much and I don't do enough. I'm really concerned about what I'm going to do this next semester. I have a schedule where I'm going to study on a schedule all over the week as opposed to just the two weeks before a final... and I want to rush at a fraternity this semester, work out some, make all A's, and take a martial arts class. Maybe Krav Maga or Taekwondo or something?
Yeah, Whatever.
Thanks you guys, Talk to you again tomorrow.
I'll have you guys know that this was published late.
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